
You can run 2-3 miles daily, as well as workout in the fitness center 6-7 days per week for hours at a time but if you aren´t putting the right things into your body to properly fuel it, your body will not perform at its maximum level for maximum results. In my years of experience I´ve found that performance is 70 % what you give your body and 30 % workouts and training. The food you eat and fluid and hydration you put into your body determines what your body gives you back out in performance.

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Online Shop – Partner ID: AT005912


Brain Power

  • helps for top performing for Sport
  • vegan. Omega 3 made from alga oil


The improved oxygen transport to the cells exdent the achievement potential and concentration ability and shortens the regenerations period. The most important ingridients:

  • L-Ornithin, L-Arginin, Glutamin: amino acids, which are increase the fat burning, support the muscle construction and improve blood circulation. Glutamin is the fuel for the brain and improves the perserverance, concentration and the retentivity.
  • Algae: Omega-3
  • Cassis: activates the cell metabolism, boost the body defence, adjust the cholesterol level and reassuringly fort he nerves.


Amino Acids

  • „Metabolism Turbo“
  • immadiate bio availibility
  • optimisation oft the physical and spiritual achievement
  • essentialy and semi-essential amino acids

Amino acid is the basic modul for the body and the smallest components of protein. The effect of specific admision:

  • Strenghtening of the muscle construction
  • increase of the perseverance & power
  • avoid from muscle dismantling in intensive training
  • during sporty load stabilisation of the blood glucose mirror
  • faster regeneration phase after the training or serious sport
  • reduction of injuries
  • decrease from infection frequency
  • strengthening of the immune system